Thursday, January 23, 2014

Let me start off with introducing myself my name is Yandy Gonzalez. I am originally from Miami Florida joined the military in February 2010, and got out in July 2013. I had the privilege to serve my country overseas and make a difference.

My political ideology according to the quiz is a Libertarian, but I personally identify myself with the Main Street Republicans. I don’t believe it’s the government place to baby its citizens. Like John F. Kenny said “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. I think Americans have forgotten what it means to truly be an American. I’m a strong supporter of the U.S Constitution, and values.
                       11% OF THE PUBLIC
                             What They Believe
§                                                                                                            Highly critical of government
§                                                                                                            Strongly opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage
§                                                                                                            Less enamored of business than the Staunch Conservatives
§                                                                                                           Generally negative about immigrants
§                                                                                                           Mostly opposed to social welfare programs
§                                                                                                           Confident that hard work pays off
§                                                                                                           Supportive of government efforts to protect the environment
                               Who They Are
§                                                                                                           76% are Republicans
§                                                                                                           Most are homeowners (84%); 51% have a gun in the household
§                                                                                                           Predominately non-Hispanic white (88%)
§                                                                                                           Highly religious (91% say religion is a very important part of their lives)
§                                                                                                           Concentrated in the South and Midwest
§                                                                                                           Nearly one-quarter (24%) follow NASCAR racing
§                                                                                                           Most say they have enough income to lead the life they want

        I do not have much political experience, but I do have some. I am a registered voter in Travis County, and I also have the ability to register others. Reasons for taking a Government class is because my major requires it. I truly enjoy politics, and I feel like it’s our civic duty as Americans to be more involved in it. My expectation for this class is to learn how to be more involved in local politics, and a better understanding of our government. My current event quiz I scored 10 out 13. In the Civic Literacy I had a score of 70%.
