Friday, February 21, 2014

Target an American with drones?

Hello readers , by now you could tell I'm not a supporter of the Obama Administration but i wanted to share this article with you "Target an American with drones " The author brings a few good points its a little concerning how they are being used on Americans. One, Obama has pushed for drones strikes more then any other president but he has my support on this issue. 

I'm sure by now we have heard about the NSA and CIA listening in which is a little concerning. But if they are listening in to these "Muslim Extremist" by all means. Readers are these people truly "Americans" do they value our freedoms , pride and or way of life ? The author states "U.S. officials are now debating whether to kill with a drone another American citizen who is part of al Qaeda and believed to be plotting attacks against the United States, a senior U.S. official tells CNN". Readers, We are in a time of war, and i totally agree anyone that is going to these "High Risk" areas should be investigated. The author ends his argument with that it should be under a decision to kill one of their own should also be subject to judicial review. Again, I disagree with his statement here is why. When i was overseas we had intelligence of a HVT "high value target" which was one of cell leaders of a terrorist group in Iraq. We raided his home in the middle of the night, but couldn't question him because of Iraqi law. He was later released, and caused 7 american deaths. The point is , at times we don't have time to do things by the book. If we have evidence on someone that maybe committing acts of terrorism with ties to these "Muslim Extremist" we should support our government.

Friday, February 7, 2014

America Wake Up !!!

In class we have been learning about factions and a little more about our U.S Constitution. I will start off with this is my opinion and I don’t speak for the NRA nor any political party. That being said I want to share a few things with my readers, but my fellow Americans. Military Leaders Asked If They Will Disarm Americas

This news article really had an impact on me for a few reasons. When I joined the U.S ARMY I did for one reason to protect our nation from both foreign and domestic enemies of the state. I swear to protect the United States constitution. This is not the first time I hear this come up, asking our military to fire on Americans. I never have personally been asked to do so or nor I know anyone who has. 

       The state by this I mean our federal Government could only enforce this though Martial Law. This is the only time active duty army units have the power to patrol American soil. The article targets how our government plans to provoke our veterans into violence to implement martial law. Our veterans have sworn to protect the United State constitution and its freedoms.
                The first source I pointed out was info-wars which we all know they tend to be a little radical in their views. But I want you guys to take the time, and look into this issue, because our government and most important the media is really misinformation our fellow Americans. If you are a gun owner I strongly encourage you support the NRA. To my fellow Americans I encourage you get more involved in our local politics, but most important to protect your freedoms. The second amendment is as a last resort a means of defense to protect the people from tyranny of government- Thomas Jefferson.