Friday, March 28, 2014

Food for thought

America, the land of the free and brave. Lets talk about some of the meths and truths about military spending. We have our "War Hugs" that are Pro war and are all about military spending and we have your local pacifist that rather give the money to the community. I'm a vet, and i'm going to give you the perspective of a foot soldier.

Lets start off with some facts take a look at this link world super powers. Yes , we do have the biggest military budget in the world. We have people who this agree with this but let me ask you a simple question. I want you to think back to 9/11. I want you to really stop and think back what where you doing that day? what where you having for lunch, how did you even feel when America was attacked by Muslim extremists? Now, that said and done the nation supported to go to war to find and kill the enemy. We need to keep our troops safe and the truth is when we first entered the war our equipment was outdated. Our troops didn't even have body armor. Yet we are quick to send our boys to war right ?

Take another look at Chinas navy as you could see they have a larger navy then we do. Totalitarian Communist China is consumed with nationalist fervor and expansionist thirst. It is aiming to increase its Naval spending at a rate of three times its rate of GDP growth (its GDP growth is already very high). In, class i heard the comment that America is being like Rome and Rome fell due to it over extending its empire. Which is concerning, most American's are not aware we are still in a cold war era. We need to keep our borders safe.  

Our economy needs to be better, our education needs reform, we need to bring industry back to the United States, and many more things need to happen. However, all of these improvements are meaningless if all of America is dead because we were invaded/attacked.
The Roman Empire cut military spending and was invaded by the Germanic tribes shortly afterward. The Song Empire of China put its military funding into the arts and was conquered by the Mongols. The Tang empire, the empire preceding the Song, put a large portion of its revenue into the military and became extremely powerful because it increased relations with the Koreans and Japanese. 

We need to look at history and learn from it, the most successful empires in the world are build on a strong military.The truth is i don't know how many times we soldiers could not train because of these budget cuts. I fired my rifle maybe 5 times at most before i was shipped off to Iraq. I truly learned my job while i was in combat. The united states gets into a conflict every 10 years or so which is the reason why we have the best military; we learn on the go just like the Romans did. The reason for the United States being a world super power and having the comforts  we do today was because we had the only industrial industries after world war 2.

Military spending should be regulated better; we have equipment that completely useless. I don't know how many times i came across that. We spend millions on contracts, we should have better testing. The budget should better focused on equipment and better programs for soldiers who are coming back home. We don't need a public heath system, or wasting founds on people who are to lazy to work or have to many kids. The military creates jobs , and it should never be cut or we will fall like the Romans did!  

Friday, March 7, 2014


    Michelle Malkin couldn't have said it better in  her article. Michell talks about how Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said some nasty words via twitter “Thanks for spreading the word! You’ll be eating them next year. #GetCovered.”. The fact that this policy does more harm then good is clear. The demarcates couldn't even get the website running correctly. Michelle points out what Obama-care is also effecting the job market. The Democrats campaign is based on heath care and creating jobs but look at the effect its having on the market. 

    "Device makers have cut back on research and development. And according to the medical device manufacturers industry group AdvaMed, the punitive tax has forced companies to lay off or avoid hiring at least 33,000 workers over the past year". - Michell Makin

In  this link you will see what a fail this system is having on the social community in twitter.
Michell Makin points out  that "every vulnerable Senate Democrat who rammed Obamacare down America’s throat is now running for the hills. When the White House now talks about the “Get Covered” campaign, it’s not about ordinary Americans getting health care. It’s about covering the backsides of the Obama water-carriers who may very well lose their jobs. They’re not just eating their words. They’re choking on Obamacare’s massive, inevitable, job-killing, life-threatening failures."

I couldn't agree more with Michelle Malkin how the democratic are trying to cover their mistakes. She is clear and dead on with her argument. She gives several links as you could see in her article form different sources supporting her statement that the democratic are in a back and forth battle with these reforms.