Friday, April 11, 2014

A re-look at "Food for thought"

Let's take a look at the last post I posted "Food for thought". It was a good argument at most ,but where are the facts ? Where does the military spending go ,and has a nation where can we better spend our defense budget? Here is a chart that shows where the defense budget has been going over the years, as you could see the numbers are quite scary. The military has started cutting back on many things such as training, flight hours for pilots, cutting down on ammunition, worn out equipment. But how can we really cut back and still everything we need in the battlefield ? Again, "Food for thought" brought up and issue Rome fell as a nation because they over expanded and cut their military. Now, lets find a wise solution first cut back on aid to all middle eastern countries. Look at those charts, a total of $299 billion was given to middle eastern nations which could have been spend on training American troops, programs to our vets, paying the national deficit. This is truly a waste of our tax dollars. Food for thought also spoke about useless projects that our military has been looking at one. Congress needs to appoint a committee which will over look these projects. If it won't truly help our troops in the battlefield all funds should be cut off. Another issue that "Food for thought" failed to address how can our allied nations help us keep world pace. The United States has expanded all over the world from a military stand point is great but i truly see a weakness is that. We need our allies to better support world security. They should provide more man power then they have in the past few years. Out of 50,000 troops about 30,000 where from the U.S why are we the ones providing so many troops? Terrorism is a world issue that needs to be addressed by Nato not just the United States. Overall "Food for thought" presented an argument but failed to shows us where the useless spending was going. So cutting back on USELESS spending will still keep our military sharp and most important keep the 
American people happy.       

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