Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wait did Obama do something right ?

 Hello hello , fellow readers today we are going to talk about an important topic NSA listening to our phone calls ,and spying on Americans. First lets take a look at what I found, as you could see Obama is doing something right for once. The fact the Obama is pushing congress to pass this is a step in the right direction. Do I support the Patriot Act yes and no. What I support ,and I think our government should continue doing is keep an eye on anyone who travels foreign countries; specially to hostile ones. Now some may call that "racism" but we need to keep national security. They should place certain websites as blacklisted, these websites could be bomb making , terrorist groups anything that's really anti american. We need a board to better monitor our security programs. Obama is making changes to where we could protect american freedoms and still keep our nation security. The fact that congress is looking into this shows that our government is noticing that our security programs maybe getting out of hand. As I said I support the Patriot Act but what ever we do as a nation it must ''constitutional''. 

                                                                                          "what Obama is pushing for"

●Query results would be limited to two hops from the original number, and the data will be subject to privacy rules approved by the court.
●The records would remain with phone companies for the length of time they normally would keep them — there will be no mandate to hold them longer.
●The phone companies will return results on a continuous, ongoing basis.
●The companies will be compelled by court order to ensure that the results are returned in a usable format and timely manner.

As we see all the changes seem to be positive ones ,and the writer is clear on pointing out key points in Obama speech. 

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